Dragon Ball has been a popular anime series since the late 1980s. The show follows the adventures of Goku and his friends as they search for dragon balls and battle various villains. It has also spawned a massive line of action figures that have become highly sought-after collectibles. If you’re a fan of the show, or just enjoy collecting toys, here is a list of the top Dragon Ball figures to bring some excitement to your life.
SH Figuarts GokuThis highly articulated figure is perfect for recreating your favorite scenes from the show. It comes with multiple interchangeable hands and faces, as well as accessories like Kamehameha effect parts and a Power Pole. With its highly detailed sculpt and premium paint job, it’s a must-have for any serious collector.
Banpresto Dragon Ball Z Grandista Resolution of SoldiersFor budget-conscious collectors, the Banpresto line offers highly detailed and affordable figures. The Grandista Resolution of Soldiers line features large-scale figures of popular characters like Goku and Vegeta in dynamic poses. They may not have as many accessories as some other figures, but they’re great for display and won’t break the bank.
Dragon Ball Super Broly Ultimate SoldiersThis line of figures from Bandai is based on the latest Dragon Ball movie, Broly. They feature highly detailed sculpts and extravagant paint jobs. The figures also have unique joints that allow for a wider range of posing options. They may be a bit more expensive than other figures, but they’re worth it for the quality and exclusivity.
Funko POP! Dragon Ball ZIf you’re looking for a more casual addition to your collection, Funko POP! figures are a great option. They’re small, cute, and affordable, making them perfect for desk or shelf displays. The Dragon Ball Z line features all your favorite characters in signature chibi style. Whether you’re a devoted fan or just looking for some new toys to add to your collection, there’s a Dragon Ball figure out there for you. From highly articulated premium figures to cutesy budget options, there’s something for everyone. So go ahead, find your favorite character and start your collection today. |