Doctor smoking an e-cigarette. If you’ve seen the headline, “Vaporizing Increases Mice Susceptibility to Coronavirus,” your first thought might be, “Why should a mouse vape?” But after reading the scientific study behind this press release, it turns out that the new research is serious – and its results are pretty interesting. The SARS-CoV-2 virus targets cells in the human lungs, which is why Covid is primarily a respiratory disease. The best e-smoker online. The idea that inhaling vapor from e-cigarettes increases the risk of contracting the disease therefore makes intuitive sense. Is there any evidence to support this theory? Vaping and CovidIn fact, the link between vaping and Covid is controversial: although research showing an association is widespread in the media, studies that did not produce results have been largely ignored, skewing results reporting. A recent major study that you probably haven’t heard of was created by the Mayo Clinic and published in the Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. The study enrolled nearly 70,000 patients over the age of 12 who smoked or vaped cigarettes. The population group was relatively diverse, with 86% white, a 62:38 ratio of women to men, and an average age of 52 years. These factors were taken into account when calculating how smoking could affect the likelihood of a Covid diagnosis. Only 5% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. There is only one other planet in our galaxy that could be Earth-like Canada has never been so hot; We’re talking hot about Death Valley The Unfiltered Truth Behind Human Magnetism, Vaccines, and COVID-19 According to the Mayo Clinic study, people who only used e-cigarettes were no more likely to contract Covid, while traditional smokers were less likely to get sick. These results suggest that the common ingredient in both types of cigarettes – nicotine – is not responsible for the alleged susceptibility benefits. As can be seen from the title of the study: “The consumption of electronic cigarettes is not linked to the Covid-19 diagnosis”. But while a large-scale human study should be conclusive, the controversy over how vaping could affect susceptibility to infection from the coronavirus could persist – and is made even more complicated by research on mice. Mouse exposed to smoke in a glass box.The new study was conducted by researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine. e liquid mr joy online to find. In the study, mice were exposed to e-cigarette vapor, with or without nicotine, for 30 minutes twice a day for three weeks. Compared to a control group that breathed room air, lung tissue from steaming mice had more inflammation and was less efficient. The damage was done even when the vapor contained no nicotine, compounding the fact that the chemicals in e-cigarettes are toxic and still not safe, regardless of the fact that vaping is less harmful than real cigarettes. One result from the examination of the lungs is particularly relevant for humans: exposure to e-cigarette vapors increased the level of ACE2 (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2), the receptor on the surface of cells, with the SARS-CoV-2 penetrates. So the study has shown a means by which vaping could increase the risk of Covid, and this mechanism involves the ACE2 receptor, which must recognize and bind to the spike proteins on a virus particle in order to enter a human cell. In mammals, ACE2’s function is to act as a vasodilator and control blood flow. The receptor can be found anywhere in the body, but most often on the surface of pneumocytes, cells that line the alveoli of the lungs, which explains why a viral infection can lead to respiratory symptoms such as pneumonia. According to the mouse study, the increase in ACE2 levels was greater when e-cigarette vapor contained nicotine Research also found a difference between the sexes, reflecting two observations in humans: men vape more than women and have a higher Covid death rate. Reflecting these results, the increase in ACE2 levels due to nicotine was even greater in male mice, suggesting potential physiological reasons why one sexed seems more susceptible to the coronavirus. Imagine if a SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus particle is an intruder, a human cell is a house, and ACE2 receptors are the windows: if vaping and nicotine mean more receptors, these extra entry points could make it easier for the virus to gain access . Or at least that’s the ideaWhile the mechanism uncovered by the new study is plausible, it’s important to remember that the results may not apply to humans. Finally, the experiments were carried out on mice. |